
bruno vanbesien architects
Antoine Baeckstraat 89
1090 Brussels
+32 2 787 00 95
BE 0535.530.268

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Bruno Vanbesien (°Aalst, March 12, 1976) graduated from the WENK (the actual KU Leuven faculty Architecture campus Sint Lucas) in Brussels, he worked in the office of Pascal François in Aalst and started his own architects office in 2005 in Brussels. Since 2009 he is jurymember in different architecture institutes. From 2008 to 2014 he was collaborator of the Swiss webplatform world-architects. From 2014 to 2020 he was president of the architecture organization Archipel.

The Office

Poised between the concern to create a warm environment and the quest for a fascinating interplay of lines and surfaces that maximize the minimum. Spaciousness, circulation, light perception and perspective forming the core of every design. Sustainable, natural an honest materials, refined detailing, perception of space, perspectives and lots of light are the basis of every project.

We put great emphasis on durability, timelessness, life quality and strengthening the urban and village centers, so we refuse to build anymore new homes on unsustainable locations such as in allotments or ribbon development.

Although the portfolio includes mainly single family houses bruno Vanbesien architects refuses to specialize in one specific program. We specialize more into developping projects with extreme care, to work together with clients to a common goal. We work with like-minded external partners for larger scale projects with the necessary knowledge and professionalism to lead to a better than forseen result.